
Know all the theories, master all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul be just another human soul.”

Carl Jung

Nasser Qazi   


  • Graduate Economist
  • Certified Fitness and Personal Coach
  • Certified NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) Practitioner 
  • Certified Hypnotherapist with majors in smoking cessation, weight loss, Childhood Trauma
  • Qi Gong Master and Practitioner
  • Student of Zen Philosophy 
Coach Nasser was born in 1982 in Kabul, Afghanistan, to a high-ranking and widely respected family.  Every morning, as a boy, Nasser’s grandfathers would stand him in front of the mirror and tell him that one day he would be a wise and noble leader.  Young Nasser did not question this, yet he had no idea of the many traumas his family were about to face.


During the Russian war on Afghanistan Nasser and his family were forced to flee to Hamburg, Northern Germany, leaving behind their beloved home and all their possessions. His well-to-do family was cast into abject poverty and all around them were the complex difficulties of living in an impoverished immigrant community.

Facing difficulties and having not much left, his family raised Nasser with love, high morals and traditional Afghan values. The outside world was less kind to him, being an immigrant in a bad neighborhood in Germany, he had to face crime, violence and racism at a young age, which leads him to
become involved in gangs and later at the age of 18, he was sent to prison. During his time in prison, his father never failed to show up and showered him with love, it was his kindness and love that gave Nasser the will to leave the ghetto lifestyle behind and begin his journey in self-transformation.

Having been released from jail, Nasser committed to the university and completed a degree in economics.  But whilst there, He was faced with another tragedy when he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and told by senior doctors that within 2-3 years his quality of life will be massively reduced and his motoric system will worsen. Refusing to accept this and realizing that Western medicine had no cures for MS, Nasser flew to China to study Qi Gong under Master Luke Chan. 

Doing 6-8 hours of Qi Gong daily, Nasser’s body started to stop shaking and he knew he was on the path to recovery as he gained more control of his body and mind. Feeling elated, he returned to Germany and started his entrepreneurial life by opening a smoothie & Salad Bar chain. Going back to the corporate world, Nasser didn’t maintain his teaching and practice, and not before long did the symptoms reappear and on top of that, he discovered that his father was diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor. Nasser stop everything to take care of his father while traveling back and forth to Thailand to study Japanese Zen practice where he was introduced to Japanese dry swimming and its benefits. It was there where he met his former Zen Master who became also one of his closest friends.

After battling with 3 brain surgeries, Nasser’s father passed away. The loss of his father hit him hard, and he tried to cover it with alcohol and hard work. Being the head of the family, Nasser took care of his mom and his younger brother who not long after the death of the father, got diagnosed with a severe mental illness. Submerged into work in the food and beverage business, Nasser quickly become one of three shareholders in a franchise chain and later opened another Restaurant where he offered Burger and stand up Comedy at the age of 35. Not knowing that he was an alcoholic, it was not long until this lifestyle brings him towards panic attacks, anxiety and severe depression that lead him to his downfall and also the downfall of his business. 

Not being able to see any purpose and meaning in life, Nasser was left with no choice but to burn all the bridges and start from scratch to build a new life. The kind of life that he could find inner peace and fulfillment, a life where he is able to enjoy the present moment, a life based on the essence of Zen. He then seek professional help from numerous psychiatrists that prescribed him heavy medication which only lead him to more depression and numbness.

Looking back and accepting the painful things that have happened to him, he found peace and home in Bali and later his purpose with the Kami No Ken program. This program started as a personal journey, where his friends who were struggling in life started coming to him for help. He then quickly realizes that there are a lot of people out there who are struggling too and are willing to improve themselves. He is grateful for the beaten path and the Masters that he has met along the way for they have guided and shaped him to be the man he is today. when asked who was Coach Nasser’s greatest teacher in life, He believes that life itself and the mistakes he has made will always be his greatest teacher in his life.



Born in Bandung, West Java, to a Sundanese mother and a French father, Magali has always traversed the modern Western world and the ancient Eastern world of culturally rich Indonesia.  Magali spent her early years in Indonesia and the latter part of her childhood in Paris, with life, focused around the art world of her parent’s Darga Lansberg gallery. Following in the footsteps of her artistically-minded parents, she went on… 



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